Some days you wake up and immediately don't feel right. You might call it an off day. Today is one of those days for me.
Granted, every day can be considered an off day when you're stuck inside on quarantine. As COVID-19 spreads, I witness everyone's slow dissent into madness through their social media posts. My more extroverted friends itch for their social gatherings, and even introverts like me don't like being cooped up in the same place for days. Personally, what I miss most is the structure and routine of my days. I like knowing what to expect from my week, and having specific things to do on specific days. Class Thursday morning, homework Thursday night, work Friday afternoon.
Now, of course, all of our things are cancelled for a good long while. My classes are online for the rest of my final semester, and honestly I'm devastated. I'm lucky enough to have great professors and classmates, and I looked forward to every day of classes. I was more focused and motivated than I had been in any prior education, and then the world changed overnight.
I know it's affecting everyone, and some incredibly more so than me. I'm lucky enough to be healthy and safely quarantined with my boyfriend. I know my professors and classmates are going to do a great job making do with what we have, and we'll probably all be fine. But it's still been a rough few days.
Sometimes, when I'm having this type of off day, I feel the inexplicable urge to put on a hat. I think it's a security blanket type thing for me (I wore beanies a lot for years), but I always jokingly think to myself that I'm trapping the good feelings in my head. I've more or less convinced myself that it works, so maybe you can convince yourself too.